Humana OTC Catalog 2025
Humana OTC catalog 2025 provides a list of products offered by Humana, a health insurance provider. Humana has a significant strength in the evolving healthcare sector. Customers seeking coverage for over-the-counter (OTC) benefits can use it. The Humana OTC Catalog offers a wide range of products and services.
Humana OTC Catalog 2025 PDF Free
Here is the link to download Humana OTC catalog 2025:
Click on the link to check the list of OTC items provided by Humana.
Humana OTC Catalog 2025 With Pictures
Here are the Humana OTC Catalog 2025 With Pictures
Humana OTC Catalog Product Item List
Here is the Humana OTC Catalog Product Item List
- Products for personal hygiene
- Pain relief
- Digestive health
- Diabetic management
- Cold, flu, and allergy drugs
- Vitamins and supplements
- First aid products
A few essential consumable products can also be paid with the Humana OTC. These benefits depend on your specific plan. These specific products are
- Fresh veggies
- dairy goods
- canned products
- bread
- frozen meals
Humana OTC Catalog
The Humana OTC catalog is a collection of Over the Counter (OTC) products. These products are available to Humana customers as health insurance provider. The OTC products include first aid kits, vitamins, painkillers, and digestive health products. Members can buy these items with the credits they have available under their plan.
Humana Over the Counter Medications
Here are some of the Humana Over the Counter Medications:
- Ace bandages for support of the abdomen
- Air purifiers
- Cleaning supplies and wax as Cleaning materials and apparatus
- Boards, balls, and other stability aids
- Herbs and botanicals and mineral supplementation
- Deodorants and powders with anti-itch and anti-fungal properties
- Pain killers, supplements, cough, cold, flu medications
Humana OTC Benefits
Humana OTC Benefits provides you over-the-counter medications that you may obtain without a prescription. The benefits depend on the eligibility of a person. Health insurers such as Humana will provide you with an allowance for OTC items.